what's wid google and its mindless language settings huh? an insomniac cant even log on widout feeling inadequate..i dunno hindi..y rub it in my face? takes me ages to figure out how to change the language..hmph! who designs all dis i ask..is it one of dose ppl proclaiming
hindutva..?like coelho sed..the universe conspires with u..does it now? i alwaz get d feeling..the universe ends up conspiring
against me..ah well..
nw see this..gotta get up early tmrw bt sleep eludes me..evry1'l say watz new..dint u just proclaim the insomnia..bt wot kind of insomnia forces a lazy procrastinating slothful piece of flesh pick her ass 4m d bed..switch on the light..go 2 another room and log on..of course to be subject to google cruelty..
and to think my insomnia drove me 2 write a blog..y aint ne1 online at 3 am? i yearn for some sign of life..of signs from the divine..is the earth repugnant at this hour..oh there is my mouse..was wondering where it went..the divine sign divulged.
sorry san..m sure dis is not what u had in mind 4 a blog..
dont wana leave dilli..m so much in love wid dis city man..just love roaming the spaces..the ridge..cp..ihc..dilli haat..nsd..campus..oxford..big chill..qba..yum! m hungry nw..n hw cd i 4get my mecca..tc..less than a fortnyt..dont wana go..love it complete wid the ass pinching, the
behens and the
maas, the
autowalas n the
bluelines..i love metroo!!! and the fact that dilli gals r supposed 2 b fast..and guys desp..plizz dnt kill me..m an insominiac on the prowl..