Saturday, October 17, 2009

People Like Them

People Like Them feel Isolated with Intimate Friends
And Talk Nineteen to Dozen to keep away their Mind's Din

People Like Them lie to Protect Others' Feelings
And wallow in their own Sadness and end up hurting the Others in any case

People Like Them Seem to be the Best at everything
But in Reality are constantly Fighting a Surge Within

People Like Them Lend Advice and a Patient Ear
Hoping that Some day it will be Reciprocated when they require

People Like Them Fight for their Pals with the World
Only to realize it ain't really gonna happen in Return

People Like Them Seek Happiness with Friends and Family
And are Misconstrued as Social Butterflies

People Like Them stand for the Right
But the Person Happens to be Wrong

People Like Them bring Together the Unknown
And then become Dispensable to Everyone Known

People Like Them face Rejection at all Walks of Life
But Still find enough Redemption to Move On and Smile

People Like Them are Forever Insecure
Contrary to the Portrayal of I-Can-Handle-All

People Like Them Are in a Tug-of-War
Between Wanting to be Discovered yet Remain Strong.